Olive EWRs can be traded in EWR Market in 3 different types as “Black”, “Green” and “Faded”.
Click here to access the criteria for storing olive in licensed warehouses
Black Green, Faded
Salamura Siyah Zeytin
Kıvırcık Salamura Siyah Zeytin
Kıvırcık Siyah Zeytin
Siyah Sele Zeytini
Hurma Zeytin
Salamura Yeşil Zeytin
Salamura Rengi Dönük (Pembe) Zeytin
Oksidasyonla Karartılan Konserve Zeytin
Kırma Zeytin
Çizik Zeytin
Kalamata Usulü Zeytin
1. Class
2. Class
3. Class
60/70 |
71/80 |
81/90 |
91/100 |
101/110 |
111/120 |
121/140 |
141/160 |
161/180 |
181/200 |
201/230 |
231/260 |
261/290 |
291/320 |
321/350 |
351/380 |
381/410 |
EWR Unit of Measure (quantity): 1 Kg – 1 Piece
Not: Zeytin tanesinin irilik dereceleri 410’dan sonra 50 birim olarak artar.
For the products traded in the EWR Market, please click here.
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