Licensed Warehouse Calculator

Select Licensed Warehouse
Select Product Type
Select Tariff Date
Product Quantity [KG] :
Duration [Day] :
Result [TL]:

This calculator is for simulation purposes only. The amounts calculated here are indicative and the prices to be paid by our investors are the amounts specified on the ELUS Purchase and Sale Document. The calculations contained herein cannot be used as evidence or the beginning of evidence in legal trades, and do not eliminate the obligations of the Licensed Warehouse Operations to reconcile and confirm their own records with the records of our Exchange.


In accordance with the President’s Decision dated 21.06.2021 and numbered 4093, the support fees paid to those who deliver products to licensed warehouses have been abolished. Our calculator shows the licensed warehouse rental fee calculated without deducting the support fee within the framework of the Presidential Decree in effect as of 22.06.2021. For this reason, the warehouse rental fee calculated for the products delivered to the licensed warehouse in the days prior to the effective date of the said decision is not reflected.